2233 North First Street Fresno CA 93703
Museum Store Hours
Thursdays- Sundays
Thank you for supporting The Fresno Art Museum!
Every item you purchase from the Fresno Art Museum Store directly contributes to FAM's mission of exhibiting, conserving, and understanding art.
FAM Store hours (online store purchase pickup times are during these hours as well):
Thursday-Sundays 10am-4pm.
Your support helps fund vital programs that bring art and knowledge to the world online and in person. Thank you!
Vincent van Gogh’s ten-year painting career yielded more than 2,000 paintings and drawings but little recognition from the art world. Lamenting this indifference, he wrote to his brother Theo, “One may have a blazing hearth in one’s soul, and yet no one ever comes to sit by it.” Van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890) never did achieve the recognition he craved during his short, troubled lifetime. He sold few paintings but was known to have traded his artwork with other artists or for art supplies, food, and lodging. During periods of intense productivity, he painted at a feverish rate, sometimes a painting a day. His passionate and vividly colorful works eventually won over audiences and have helped make him one of the world’s most beloved artists.
Museum Store Hours
Thursdays- Sundays